78 Les gustó

The Exorcist (2016)

The Exorcist


1ᵉʳ Temporada

The Exorcist (2016)

The Exorcist es un readaptación de la novela clásica en que está basada la película homónima de 1973 dirigida por Willian Friedkin. Aquí la trama seguirá a tres sacerdotes que intentarán ponerle fin a una posesión que está atormentando a una familia.

Créditos y reparto

Alfonso Herrera, Ben Daniels, Hannah Kasulka, Brianne Howey
Jeremy Slater
Drama, Horror, Suspenso
23 de Sep 2016


78 Les gustó

Consenso de Críticos: The Exorcist no está a la altura del material original, pero tiene la tensión narrativa suficiente para entregar sustos legítimos y efectos creíbles.


# Rating Título y Descripción Estreno

Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee

Angela Rance suspects a demonic presence has entered her home, and enlists the help of Father Tomas Ortega, who calls on experienced exorcist Father Marcus Keane.

23 Sep, 2016

Chapter Two: Lupus in Fabula

Father Marcus joins forces with Father Tomas, the Rances' relationship with the demon deepens, while a series of bizarre ritual killings begins.

30 Sep, 2016

Chapter Three: Let 'Em In

Tomas and Marcus seek permission from papal emissaries to conduct an exorcism, only to be met with shocking news, while Casey exhibits odd behavior.

07 Oct, 2016

Chapter Four: The Moveable Feast

As Casey's condition deteriorates, Marcus is sent on an eye opening mission, and Tomas receives an unexpected visit.

14 Oct, 2016

Chapter Five: Through My Most Grievous Fault

As the exorcism begins, Tomas and Marcus engage the demon in spiritual warfare, with the pressure of the process driving a wedge between the Rance family.

21 Oct, 2016

Chapter Six: Star of the Morning

The Rance family is engulfed in a firestorm of publicity; Father Tomas is unexpectedly thrusted into the public spotlight; Father Marcus' search leads him into a terrifying underbelly of the city.

04 Nov, 2016

Chapter Seven: Father of Lies


11 Nov, 2016

Chapter Eight: The Griefbearers

Tomas, Marcus and Mother Bernadette race against time to defeat the demon, and the Rance family find themselves drawn into the conflict.

18 Nov, 2016

Chapter Nine: 162

Tomas is offered a life changing opportunity, Marcus makes a shocking discovery, and a new threat to the Rance family emerges.

09 Dec, 2016

Chapter Ten: Three Rooms

The demon is determined to destroy the Rance family, while the enemies of the church mobilize against Pope Sebastian.

16 Dec, 2016

Reseñas de criticos

  • Hank Stuever Washington Post
    Desde el primer episodios, la versión de Slater sobresale con una apariencia y sensibilidad que honra el estilo de Friedkin.
    Reseña completa
  • Chris Nashawaty Entertainment Weekly
    Este es un drama muy serio que desea hacer grandes preguntas acerca de la fe, la duda, el bien y el mal; mientras presenta un estilo similar a los horrores de viernes por la noche.
    Reseña completa
  • Ben Travers indieWire
    Si encuentra la manera de hacer que este lento inicio se vuelva satisfactorio, probablemente Fox logrará lo imposible.
    Reseña completa
  • Robert Bianco USA Today
    A pesar de contar con la presencia de buenos actores, una serie de horror que no asusta simplemente no funciona.
    Reseña completa


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